5 Quick Fixes to Get Your Thesis Back on Track

Being stuck along the line is very normal when writing your dissertation. Some students find it difficult at the initial stages but can get on track with time, while others can have a good start but encounter difficulties later. No matter where you fit in these descriptions, we are here to help you.

Admittedluy, everyone has their own strength and weaknesses when doing research work. So definitely, you are not alone in this situation.

Mostly, this confusion and stagnation could be traced to how students start their research work. Instead of first developing the research questions, some choose to go straight to what they want to discuss. Below are five points to help you get on track.

  • What to do if you find I difficult to start

Reading from different research works is one of the best ways to draw inspiration for your dissertation. Through this, you can know how your work should look, available topics to explore, develop your research questions, and know what to and what not to include, among others.

  • What to do when you are short of words

Sometimes you can get an idea, but expanding it to become substantial becomes a problem. This may be because you don’t have the needed data to back your claims. If such is your struggle, then all you need is to do further research. If you don’t find your answers on the internet, maybe a one on one interview or consulting a government agency may do the magic.

  • Jot down your points

Jotting down your points and having easy access to them is sometimes all you need to get going. There is no need to type these points and save them for later retrievals, but just an index card or jotter book will do. These materials are easier to access and work with than the computer. Also, try to write down all such points in detail to prevent missing out on important ingredients.

  • What to do when nothing is working

Thank goodness there is something called ‘rest.’ It may intrigue you that sometimes all you need is to have a brief rest or stay away from your dissertation. Rejuvenating your tired and overly stressed brain is something no one should ignore when writing academic work. However, do not take many days off your work; otherwise, it may stall your progress, or boredom may set in.

  • When time is your enemy

Procrastination can bring about a delay in reaching your set deadline. You have probably postponed your work every day, and now the deadline is catching up. You would therefore need to re-strategize and make some sacrifices. You may need to sacrifice some hours of your sleep time or leisure time to have extra hours to work. It the situation is that bad, you may need to consult your supervisor to request for additional days


As an undergraduate or postgraduate student, know that dissertation wring is a must and part of your assessment process. You, therefore, need to prepare very well, yet keep your cool. Anxiety and stress may set in along the line, but the best response would be not to bow to such distraction. talk to your supervisor  when you encounter any difficulty.


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